Avg Rating: 4.5
Sam Model
Vital Stats:
5 '02
Customer Service Receptionist
Trinity, FL
Hi everybody! My name is Sam and I am 19 years old, but I am going to be 20 years old soon. I became a model for the website when the photographer approached me at a Sunday afternoon cookout. The job that I work at was putting on a cookout over at the park and I was invited to attend since I am an employee with the company. I noticed Ray at the cookout and the reason Ray was even there in the first place was that his friend works there too and Ray was invited to attend the cookout with his friend. We didn't do the modeling shoot that very same day, but Ray did shoot the pictures the very next day. I've never done nude modeling before, so this was a very new experience for me! The modeling was fun but it was also a little bit embarrassing. I just had no idea that Ray would be asking me to show my butthole! But yeah, I get it. Guys like to see that kind of stuff. When Ray asked me about participating in his amateur modeling shoots, I didn't know quite what to say about that! But as you can see, I decided to go ahead and give nude modeling a try, and not only that, it was a lot of fun too! I hope that you guys enjoy my homemade modeling pictures!
Cute face