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Models / Nadia Model

Avg Rating: 4.1

Nadia Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5 '06
Age:  33
Employment:  Pharmacy Technician
Location:  Tampa, FL

My name is Nadia and I am 33 years old! I was at the Florida State Fairgrounds and I met the owner of the True Amateur Models website while we were both standing in line to ride the rollercoaster! I was actually hanging out with some of my friends and we were talking about all sorts of things. I don't remember who started talking about modeling, but once we all started talking about modeling, Ray started talking to us about his modeling website! We didn't know that he specialized in shooting NUDE models until we checked out his website on my phone! I must say that we were all a bit surprised by that! I suppose the reason why is that it's not every day that you come into contact with someone that shoots nude models and works in porn! The friends that were with me that day would more than likely never model nude, but I would be willing to do nude modeling! My friends kept telling me that I shouldn't do the modeling shoot, but I don't care about that because I do what I want to do. I've been thinking of modeling for a long time, but I never tried it out. However, when Ray offered to schedule a modeling shoot with me, I jumped at the opportunity! I knew that the modeling shoot would consist of stripping down nude, but I didn't know that Ray would want me to bend over and spread apart my ass! lol. However, since those types of poses were required, I had no problem with them. I might look serious in my modeling pictures, but that's just how I look most of the time. You see, I am a very dominant woman, as well as a woman that holds a professional occupation that generates a very nice income, so I am a well-put-together type of woman and not some dumb bimbo. It really is nice to have some naughty pictures of myself! I hope that you all enjoy my amateur nude modeling pictures!

Nadia Model Updates

Nadia Modeling Gallery #2
Nadia Model
Welcome to another modeling gallery from Nadia! I only had one gallery of this big breasted babe on the site, so I figured I'd go ahead and add another set of her photos so that you can all see some more high-resolution and homemade modeling pictures of this sexy MILF! Watch this cute and mature babe...

Tags: Brunettes Busty Mature Shaved Pussy
Nadia Modeling Gallery #1
Nadia Model
Welcome Nadia to True Amateur Models! Nadia is a 33 year old amateur MILF that I established contact with at the Florida State Fairgrounds! I was standing in line to ride the rollercoaster when I noticed this big breasted woman talking to her friends behind me. They were talking about the different rides...

Tags: Brunettes Busty Mature Shaved Pussy


Mr. Pepper
Nadia sure is a SEXY MILF!
Nice tits.
Dave - California
The angles that are shot in many of these galleries are just absolutely phenomenal. I love the closeup pics too!