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Models / Marissa Model

Avg Rating: 3.7

Marissa Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5 '04
Age:  34
Employment:  Airline Stewardess
Location:  Tampa, FL

My name is Marissa and I am 34 years old. I've never done any nude modeling before, but it is something that I've always wanted to try out. I work as an airline stewardess, but I didn't meet the photographer Ray on an airplane. We came into contact with each other at a home improvement store. I was looking around for some home improvement supplies. I was having a difficult time finding what I needed and I couldn't find an employee to help me! I noticed this guy standing near me and he was looking at the same supplies that I was looking at, so I asked him a couple of questions, hoping that he could help me out. That guy was Ray, the photographer for True Amateur Models. We talked a bit about the supplies, and then he started talking to me about doing a nude modeling shoot! I decided to do the modeling because he has conducted shoots with so many other girls before. Ray was also very professional regarding his approach, and of course, he has a very reputable website. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have done it since I didn't know him at all. I had a lot of fun at the modeling shoot though and it was nice to be able to see myself naked in the pictures, other than looking at myself in my bedroom mirror. I don't know. I just thought that the whole nude modeling thing would be cool and I was right! Thank you for the modeling pictures Ray and good luck with your site!

Marissa Model Updates

Marissa Modeling Gallery #2
Marissa Model
Welcome to another update from Marissa! I was going to shoot a new model this week, but she cannot shoot until a little later, but I'll be shooting her soon ....and I know that you guys will absolutely love her!. However, I had these pictures from Marissa, so I thought that I would go ahead and put them...

Tags: Brunettes Busty Latina Mature
Marissa Modeling Gallery #1
Marissa Model
Welcome Marissa to True Amateur Models! Marissa is a 34 year old MILF that I met over at the home improvement store. I saw her looking through some items and decided to assist her since I was familiar with the supplies. She couldn't locate a store employee anywhere, so she asked me if I knew anything...

Tags: Brunettes Busty Latina Mature


Mr. Chang - The Chinese Food Restaurant Manager
She look like sexy Playboy model. She have not real amateur look, but I would defenetly put dick inside her ...if she ever let me do it. It is only a dream to have my dick in her mouth. I bet the dick would cum so fast if it was for real.