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Models / Indica Model

Avg Rating: 4.8

Indica Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5 '06
Age:  18
Employment:  Shopping Mall Booth - Cologne and Perfume Sales
Location:  Tampa, FL

My name is Indica and I am 18 years old. I don't have any experience with modeling, but the shoot was a lot of fun, and Ray told me that I did well with getting into all of the poses! Since I am no longer in school, I needed to find a job if I want to stay at home. I am not allowed to just lay around the house all day and do nothing, so I found a job over at the shopping mall. I sell cologne and perfume at one of the booths. I just sit there in the chair for hours, waiting for someone to ask me a question about the products. I also reach out to the people walking by to give out free samples! It's a pretty fun job, and as I mentioned, it gives me something to do with my time since I am not able to just kick back at home and do nothing. After all, I did plenty of that right before I was hired, so I suppose it's time to work so that I can make money. I noticed some guy walking around the booth looking at the perfume and the cologne, so I asked him if he would like a sample, but he really only seemed to be interested in talking to me instead testing out the products. We related to one another very well. His name was Ray and he told me that he's a model photographer! I was like - wow! I have never done anything like that before! When I found out about Ray being a photographer, I was interested, but I was raised in an extremely strict Muslim environment, and even though I just recently moved to America, I am trying to break myself free from the strict rules that have been placed upon me, so doing the modeling shoot was actually a very liberating experience! I remember when Ray was shooting the pictures, I wanted to suck his dick. I mean, growing up how I grew up with all of the strict rules, I really wanted to have a dick inside of my mouth. Of course, Ray was fine with that, and he even asked if I would be ok with him licking me between my legs! I was like, what? Of course, I am ok with that! I've never had a guy lick my vagina before, but Ray told me that he would love to do it and that he knew that I would like it, so I was all like, that's cool. Let's do it! I've always wanted to be with an older guy, and it sure felt good when he licked me between my legs! And of course, it also felt nice having a hard cock inside of my mouth. I sucked it the best I could and I think I did very well with giving the blowjob. Wouldn't you agree? I think I like older guys better than younger guys now. Well anyway, I hope that you all like looking through my amateur nude modeling pictures!

Indica Model Updates

Indica Modeling Gallery #2
Indica Model
I only had one modeling photo set of this 18 year old amateur teen, as well as her blowjob pictures, but she also has a second set of high-resolution modeling pictures that I am uploading today! So yeah, for the guys that like Indica, you will surely enjoy these large and very clear modeling photos....

Tags: Brunettes Glasses Hairy Ass Hairy Pussy
Indica Blowjob Gallery #1
Indica Model
Wanna watch a girl from Afghanistan suck on a cock, as well as have her hairy pussy eaten? Indica is 18 years old, and according to her, she was raised in an extremely strict Muslim environment, so since relocating to America, she has been trying to break herself free from all of the strict rules that...

Tags: Brunettes Oral Petite Teen
Indica Modeling Gallery #1
Indica Model
Welcome Indica to True Amateur Models! Indica just turned 18 years old 3 months ago and she moved to America from Afghanistan. She informed me at the modeling shoot that life at home was very strict and that living with her parents is sometimes rather difficult. That's why she went out and found employment...

Tags: Brunettes Glasses Hairy Ass Hairy Pussy


Robby Sparks
I really like Indica a lot. Such a cute girl. Love the glasses on her.
Beautiful pussy. Just the right amount of hair too. Not too hairy and not totally bald. Would love to eat it. :)
I bet it was nice eating that middle eastern teen pussy. Shiiiit, you one lucky muthafucka. Thats all I gotta say.
Charles Jackson
What a fantastic and REAL girl next door.
New York - Brian Peterson
I would love to eat that hairy teen asshole.
beautiful girl.