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Models / Harper Model

Avg Rating: 4.5

Harper Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5 '01
Age:  34
Employment:  Customer Service Representative
Location:  Clearwater, FL

Hi everybody! My name is Harper and I am 34 years old! So yeah, I guess you could call me a MILF! Although, I am also a very tiny girl, standing at a height of only 5 '01. I am very shy and I have never done anything even remotely similar to this nude modeling stuff in the past. In fact, I had a lot of fun at the shoot, but to be honest with you, I really didn't know Ray very well at all, even though he seemed like a nice guy and a professional photographer, but I have never invited a guy to my hotel room to shoot nude pictures of me! I just really wanted to have them done. I met the photographer at the hotel at the swimming pool. He seemed really nice and spoke to me a lot about modeling. At first, I thought that he was referring to swimsuit modeling, but then he informed me that he was talking about nude modeling! I mean, I really wanted to do it, but I've never taken my clothes off in front of someone that I do not know before. So yes, I was a bit shy at the shoot, but it was a lot of fun too! I hope that you all enjoy my nude modeling pictures! We did the shoot on the same day that I met the photographer, so these are very homemade and "on the fly" types of pictures. Of course, Ray has my contact information though and he told me that he'd like to shoot me again at some point later, so I'm down with that. My hobbies are music and going to outdoor festivals and I also love riding my bicycle! Swimming is a lot of fun too. Well anyway, as I said ...I hope that you all enjoy my modeling pictures and watch out for more coming from me, which will be shot at a different location since this hotel room was only for a few days.

Harper Model Updates

Harper Modeling Gallery #4
Harper Model
I only did 3 shoots with Harper prior to this new shoot, and I always try and make sure that all of the models have enough content on the site, so when Harper asked me the other day if I'd like to shoot her again, I figured, that's cool ...why not? I just recently updated the site with her prior gallery,...

Tags: Brunettes Mature Petite Shaved Pussy
Harper Modeling Gallery #3
Harper Model
Hey guys! Wanna see some more amateur modeling pictures of this Customer Service Representative amateur girl taking the both of her hands and spreading apart that small ass that sits in that office chair for approximately 8 to 9 hours per day answering inbound contact calls from customers that require...

Tags: Brunettes Petite Shaved Pussy
Harper Modeling Gallery #2
Harper Model
Welcome to another gallery of amateur modeling pictures from Harper! I was going to shoot a different model and use her photos for today's update, but the model was called into her job. But yeah, I'll just shoot her another time, and for the time being, we can all enjoy more amateur modeling photos from...

Tags: Brunettes Glasses Petite Shaved Pussy
Harper Modeling Gallery #1
Harper Model
Welcome Harper to True Amateur Models! As you all know, Harper is another brand new model to the True Amateur Models website! She was a very nice girl at the shoot, but once the camera turned on, she seemed a bit nervous and very shy. That's fine with me though because I like it when the girls have different...

Tags: Brunettes Glasses Mature Petite


Randy J.
Nice ...love girls in glasses.
very sexy. i like the glasses too.