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Models / Channy Crossfire Model

Avg Rating: 4.4

Channy Crossfire Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5 '04
Age:  27
Employment:  Customer Service Representative
Location:  Tampa, FL

My name is Channy and I am 27 years old, and even though I've never done any type of modeling before, I had a really good time at the shoot and I am glad that my pictures turned out looking good! I think that it's cool that I have a bunch of nude modeling pictures of myself. I've certainly never seen myself in those types of poses before, so it was very cool seeing myself modeling! As far as how I became a model for the True Amateur Models site, I went out the other day to a restaurant, but before I was seated, I had to wait for a table to be available. While I was outside sitting on the bench, Ray was out there as well and he started a conversation with me. He seemed like a nice enough guy and all, so I figured I'd talk to him before my table was made available. He just came over to me and started talking to me about the restaurant and he was commenting on how much he enjoyed eating there. We continued to talk about different things, and all of a sudden, he brought up modeling nude and he told me about his site! He took out his cell phone and showed me his site. The first thing that really stood out to me was that these girls looked like they really didn't do modeling on any sort of professional level, and I remember telling him that it was pretty cool that he does shoots with all types of different-looking girls! When I arrived back home, I logged onto my computer and browsed through the site. I kept imagining myself being one of the models on the site and it seemed exciting! I called him a couple of days later and told him that doing a shoot would be a lot of fun, so he went ahead and set the shoot up! I am planning on shooting again, so be sure to check back later for more of my content and I hope that you all enjoy my modeling pictures!

Channy Crossfire Model Updates

Channy Modeling Gallery #3
Channy Crossfire Model
Welcome to another modeling gallery showing Channy spreading nude and getting into a bunch of various poses! I had this set of photos left over from the last time we did a shoot, so I figured I'd go ahead and use this set of high-resolution pictures for this update. These are all that I have for now,...

Tags: Asian Brunettes
Channy Modeling Gallery #2
Channy Crossfire Model
Welcome to another amateur and homemade modeling gallery of Channy! This hot Asian amateur babe had such a good time shooting before, so she asked me if I would shoot her again! I had her start off doing a few poses on the front bench and in the back yard before walking inside of the house in order to...

Tags: Asian Brunettes
Channy Modeling Gallery #1
Channy Crossfire Model
Welcome Channy to True Amateur Models! Channy is another brand new model to the website and she is 27 years old. She doesn't have any experience at all regarding nude modeling, and she was also very comfortable talking to me about the possibility of her becoming one of the models for the site! She's...

Tags: Asian Brunettes


James Wilkonson
Nice looking Asian girl. Good job!
I love Asian women and these are great photo sets!
Jay Z.
Fuck yeah.
Random Dude
She looks Pilipino. I love Asia you can wife these girls up too.
She's the best one! I will pay more money on this website for her pics and video