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Models / Wendy Model

Avg Rating: 4.2

Wendy Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5' 05
Age:  31
Employment:  Unemployed
Location:  Tampa, FL

My name is Wendy and this is how I became a model for Ray's site. I met him at a shopping market. I was buying some food there and he was standing in the line behind me. I was running a little short on money because I had just lost my job a few weeks ago and I needed an extra $5.00 to pay for my food. Ray was kind enough to help me with it and I really appreciated that. After I purchased my groceries, I left the store, headed out to the parking lot, and started unloading my food into the trunk of my car. Ray was only parked about three cars down and once I saw him, I walked over to thank him again. I told him that I had no job and that he really helped me out a lot by giving me that extra money. That's when he started talking to me about his site. I told him that I would have no problem doing the nude modeling - but only if I was smaller because I felt like I was too heavy to be a sexy nude model. But then he told me that he prefers to shoot all types of real and amateur girls with different types of looks, so that was really cool to hear! I never thought that I would ever get the chance to be a nude model, but it looks like it happened after all!

Wendy Model Updates

Wendy Modeling Gallery #1
Wendy Model
Welcome Wendy to True Amateur Models! Wendy is a big breasted and amateur woman that I met at the grocery market! I spoke with her out in the parking lot about modeling nude for the site and she thought that the idea seemed like an exciting thing to do, so we set up a shoot! I mean, it was really that...

Tags: BBW Brunettes Busty Mature


Her face is beautiful! And her body has such a nice all over tan! I wouldn't want her any thinner, I think she's sexy just the way she is!
bush pilot
Wendy is a delicious woman. I'd want her naked around me all the time!
Bert Thompson
Wendy looks almost identical to my ex-wife. I almost shit myself when I saw the pictures. LOL