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Models / Riley Model

Avg Rating: 4.5

Riley Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5' 03
Age:  21
Employment:  Telemarketer
Location:  Port Richey, FL

My dad wanted me to go with him to a cookout that someone was having down at the park. It was some big family cookout that my dad had been invited to attend so I went ahead and went too. It turns out that Ray's uncle knows my dad from some job that they used to work at a long time ago. I thought that the cookout was going to be lame, but as soon as I got there, I quickly noticed that there were some younger people there too. Ray was one of the younger guys there. He was walking around drinking beer and talking with people. He came over to me and asked me what my name was. I remember, Ray asked if I would go over to his house, which was just a few blocks away from the park. He kept telling me that he wanted to show me something. His friend Marcus was going to tag along too, and since they both seemed like nice guys, I went with them. Once we got to Ray's house, he showed me his site! I thought about modeling and wanted to do it. After all, I thought that he was a cute guy and nice guy too. I was also pretty intrigued by the fact that he makes a living taking naked pictures too! As were shooting, I told Ray that it's a little bit hard spreading my legs apart without having sex! He replied....well, we can do that too if you'd like! Marcus shot the pictures of Ray fucking me and I really like how they turned out. When I arrived back at the cookout, I told my dad that I went over to Ray's house and he got all mad. Give me a break! Uh, hello? I am 21 YEARS OLD NOW!

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Riley Modeling Gallery #1
Riley Model
Welcome Riley to True Amateur Models! I picked her up at a cookout over at the local community park! Her dad wanted her to go with him because he has had some friends and co-workers that were going to be there and wanted to introduce his daughter to them. I just so happened to be there because my uncle...

Tags: Brunettes Busty Shaved Pussy


Nice large breasts on this teen. It's great to see a hc gallery of her too.
I wonder if her Dad from the cookout ever found out about the shoot. Such a long time ago, doesn't matter now I suppose. lol