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Models / Kat Model

Avg Rating: 4.2

Kat Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5' 08"
Age:  19
Employment:  Bookstore - Sales Associate
Location:  Tampa, FL

My name is Kat and I work as a cashier over at a bookstore in the shopping mall. Ray came in right before closing time, so it was pretty slow. As I was ringing up his items, he started talking with me. Nobody else was in the line since it was pretty late, so we talked for a little bit. I had nothing going on at the time anyway and talking with someone really makes the time go by faster. At first, he was talking about the books in the bookstore but before he left the store, he started talking to me about modeling for a site. I actually thought that the idea was pretty naughty and exciting but this was a person that I did not know at all! I don't just go off with anyone because you never know how safe you are these days! I explained that to Ray (he actually wanted me to do the modeling that same night) and he understood and respected my feelings on leaving with him. I did look at his site after getting back home from work that night though. And as you can from the gallery below, I decided to go for it and tried the nude modeling! Did I do a good job guys? Please keep in mind, I have never modeled in the past.

Kat Model Updates

Kat Modeling Gallery #1
Kat Model
I met this amateur girl in a bookstore over at the shopping mall! I really wanted to speak with her in regards to the possibility of her modeling nude for the site, so I asked her about it! Be sure to read her bio above so that you can read what she has to say in her own words! Watch Kat strip down nude...

Tags: Brunettes Shaved Pussy Teen


Frank Jenkins
Cute girl, but strange eyes!
Bert Thompson
I'd like her to look up at me with those eyes as I shoot my cum inside of her pussy hole. Fucking sexy.