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Models / Deja Model

Avg Rating: 4.1

Deja Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5' 05"
Age:  36
Employment:  Retail Manager
Location:  Tampa, FL

Ray and I met at the gym. He told me that he had just joined and that he was going to start working out. He was on the treadmill beside mine and we were both watching the television screen which was hung up in the corner of the room. There was a news channel on and the reporter was talking about the war in Iraq. Ray and I started talking to each other about it and we kinda got to know each other a little after talking with one another. We continued to work out together that day and right before he left the gym, he asked me to check out his site. He told me that it would have nudity on it because he specializes in shooting nude amateur girls. Once I saw the site, I wanted to be on it. I mean, I'm already 36 years of age and I've always wanted to be a nude model but I just never tried it. I felt like this was my chance so I called him the next day and told him that I wanted to shoot!

Deja Model Updates

Deja Modeling Gallery #2
Deja Model
Here are some more photos from Deja! This is an older set of photos that were shot a while back and the reason they are being put onto the website right now is because I found them on one of my external hard drives and had not even realized that they were not on the website! As all of you know, I have...

Tags: Brunettes Freckles Mature
Deja Modeling Gallery #1
Deja Model
Take a look at this mature and amateur MILF! Her name is Deja and I met her over at the local gym last week. Deja had a great time at the photo shoot and is hoping that you guys enjoy her modeling pictures! I think she did a pretty good job, considering the fact that she has never modeled before.

Tags: Brunettes Mature