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Models / Brittany Model

Avg Rating: 4.1

Brittany Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5' 08
Age:  23
Employment:  Restaurant Waitress
Location:  Redondo Beach, CA

I work as a waitress over at a restaurant and Ray came in one day to order some food. He left me a pretty big tip when he was done eating and that's not all he left me either. I noticed a napkin with his phone number scribbled on it and a note on it for me to call him after work. At first, I was going to just throw it away but since he had been so generous with leaving a nice tip, I went ahead and called the phone number! Of course, he talked to me about nude modeling and I thought about it for a few days. I also talked to my best friend about it and she told me that I should go for it! So, that's exactly what I did!

Brittany Model Updates

Brittany Modeling Gallery #1
Brittany Model
Welcome Brittany to True Amateur Models! She was the waitress at the table that had been assigned to me and she seemed like a really nice girl! Not to mention, she is hot too! I really wanted to speak with her about modeling for my site but she was just so busy running around attending to the customers!...

Tags: Brunettes