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Models / Angelina Model

Avg Rating: 2.8

Angelina Model Vital Stats:
Height:  5' 07
Age:  19
Employment:  Customer Service Representative
Location:  Tampa, FL

It's kinda funny how Ray and I met each other. I was at the store shopping for some stuff when I saw Ray talking to some girl. They were only standing about 10 feet away from me and they were talking about nude modeling. The girl acted like she was a little interested, but I don't think anything ever came of it. After they finished talking, I followed Ray around the store. The reason why was that I really wanted to talk with him about that nude modeling! It was pretty awkward for me though because I didn't know him, so, therefore, I didn't know how to approach him about it. I have always wanted to have nude pictures taken of me! It just seems so fun! I noticed that he was walking over toward the music section, so I followed him. I guess I kinda made it a point to be close to him, as he was looking through the CDs. After a couple of minutes, I asked him if he had ever heard of the particular CD that I was looking at. He seemed really nice and told me that he had not ever heard of the band. It didn't take long before he started talking to me about the modeling either! I still cannot believe that I actually talked with him about it! What's even more unbelievable is that I went over to the shoot as soon as we both walked out of the store!

Angelina Model Updates

Angelina Modeling Gallery #2
Angelina Model
This is a gallery of Angelina, a 19 year old black girl that I met over at a department store. Angelina was very eager to do nude modeling and she even came up to me in the store to ask me about it! Hell, talk about a model falling in your lap! I explained everything to Angelina and she was still very...

Tags: Ebony Shaved Pussy
Angelina Modeling Gallery #1
Angelina Model
Angelina is an amateur black girl that I met over at a department store the other day. Be sure to check out her second gallery too! Angelina also sucked my dick after the modeling shoot and let me cum in her warm and wet mouth - but the pictures did not turn out looking right! So yeah, that fucking sucks....

Tags: Ebony Shaved Pussy